About Me

I’m a normal human being who enjoys normal human stuff and definitely is not some sort of alien lizard being disguised in a human skinsuit. This blog is an attempt on my part to challenge myself: to engage with and study things that I don’t deal with in my usual line of work and try and distil what I learn into something interesting to and comprehensible by a broader audience.

When not squinting at an instance of Vim which is entirely too narrow due to the inadequacy of my monitor for use with a TWM, I can be found at large in the Greater London area plying my trade as a distributed systems engineer, most recently at Monzo. Outside working hours, I’m an enthusiastic (if apoplectic) cyclist and keen gamer.

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss the content of my blog, ask questions, or shoot the shit, please feel free to email me at samcgardner <at> gmail <dot> com.